In our legal system, two types of persons are accepted as natural persons and legal persons. Procedural Law provides consultancy with the principle of producing immediate and permanent solutions against legal disputes and needs that may be encountered within the scope of personal law.
Real people:
From the point of view of law, all human beings are persons. Personality begins the moment the child is fully born alive and ends with death. The child acquires the legal capacity from the moment he is conceived, provided that he is born alive.
A child that is conceived in the womb is called a fetus. If there is a fetus among the heirs, the division of the inheritance is postponed until his birth. But if he is born dead, he cannot be an heir. A paternity suit can be filed for the fetus before it is even born. The fetal child is recognizable. A contract can be made in favor of the fetus.
Every child born alive must be reported to the civil registry office within thirty days in Turkey and to the foreign representative office within sixty days abroad.
Real personality ends in two states:
Death: Personality ends with death, personal rights and personal rights of that person disappear. The property rights pass to the heirs as a whole. The death event must be reported to the population directorate within ten days.
Presumption of Death: A person who disappears with certainty of death and whose body cannot be found is considered dead. The death record of this person may be reduced to the relevant place of the population register by the order of the highest civilian authority of the locality. There is no need to pass a certain minimum period for the death record to be reduced. The person is considered dead from the date of the event. There is no need for a court order in the case of presumption of death. But if desired, a decision can also be taken. If the person who is under the presumption of death is married, the marriage will automatically end.
– Presumption of joint death: If it cannot be determined which of more than one person died before and after, all of them are considered dead at the same time. These persons cannot be the heirs of each other. For the presumption of joint death to be applied, the deaths do not have to be in the same event.
-Gaiplik: A person’s absence can be decided in two ways
a) A person who is lost in a danger whose death may seem very unlikely.
b) A person who has not been heard from for a long time
Legal Entities:
They are groups of persons and goods that are organized as an independent entity to achieve a specific purpose. According to their structures, legal entities are divided into individuals (associations, companies, special provincial administrations, municipalities, villages) and property groups (foundations, public institutions).
Lawsuits and Affairs Covered by Persons Law:
The Case of Absence: It is regulated between the 32nd and 35th articles of the TMK.
Name and Surname Change Case: TMK. In Article 27, “The change of name can only be requested from the judge based on justified reasons. The name change is registered and announced in the population registry. Personal status does not change by changing the name.
Case of Denial of Lineage: The presumption of paternity is a common presumption and it is possible to refute this presumption. In the case of denial of paternity, the husband must prove that he is not the father.
Assignment of Guardianship and Guardian: A guardian is appointed on behalf of minors who are not under guardianship and adults with restrictions. As they are unable to protect their own rights and financial interests, it is decided to appoint a guardian in order to protect them. The guardian is obliged to protect all the interests of the minor or the limited person under guardianship regarding their assets. The trustee is only responsible for performing certain jobs or managing assets.
· Age Adjustment Case: It is regulated in Article 36 of the Population Services Law.
Who We Are
Usul Hukuk is an independent law firm that provides the legal support needed by its clients in Turkey, USA, Europe, North Africa and Gulf countries with its lawyers specialized in all fields of law.
Usul Hukuk, which provides legal consultancy to Turkey’s most important industrial organizations and companies operating in international fields from many sectors, and updates itself in constantly changing fields in the world and in Turkey, provides services to its clients within an organized system with its lawyers and employees who specialize in different fields.
Global Team. World class achievements.

Kaan Özçelik
He settled in Doğuş University Faculty of Law in 2011, graduated in 2015 and started to practice as a lawyer. Kaan Özçelik, who also continued his master’s degree in private law at Doğuş University, specializes in Capital Market Law, in particular the public offering of companies and their listing on the stock exchange. He also works on Commercial Law, Cryptocurrency Law, Mining Law, Urban Transformation Law, Rental Law and KYC (Know Your Costumer) procedures by actively consulting companies. He speaks English.

Adem Gökmen
He settled in the Department of International Relations at Istanbul Bilgi University in 2011, completed his education with a double major program at the Faculty of Law with the second place in the department, and started working as a lawyer in 2017. Specializing in Law of Obligations, Family Law, Execution and Bankruptcy Law, Banking and Finance Law, Adem Gökmen works on Fintech – Electronic Money Banking Law and KYC (Know Your Costumer) procedures. He speaks English.

Bilal Tarı
He settled in Doğuş University Faculty of Law in 2011, graduated in 2015 and started to practice as a lawyer. Bilal Tarı, who specializes in Commercial Law, Law of Obligations, and Family Law, works in the fields of Professional Athlete and Technical Team Contracts and Arbitration Law in the field of Sports Law.

Önder Meydan
He settled in Kocaeli University Faculty of Law as the second in 2011 and started to practice law after graduating in 2015. Önder Meydan also works in the field of Enforcement Law, which carries out litigation and business follow-up in many areas of law, including Criminal Law, Law of Obligations, Law of Persons, Enforcement and Bankruptcy Law.

Miray Kebabcı
2017 yılında Lefke Avrupa Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesine yerleşmiş, 2021 yılında mezun olmuştur. Miray Kebabcı Usul Hukuk & Danışmanlık bünyesinde zorunlu avukatlık stajını devam ettirmektedir.

Şevval Demirezen
He settled in Maltepe University Psychological Counseling and Guidance Department in 2017 and completed his education in Psychology with a double major program. He serves as a psychological counselor.
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